The European artists’ card
What it is

The MArteCard is simply the artists’ card.
And it is the card that every artist should have!
A tool always at hand to receive discounts and benefits in the world of art and culture, but above all the main access portal to keep pace with the European art scene and stay up to date on news and opportunities available to artists and fans, such as competitions, scholarships, artistic residencies, training courses and unmissable events, thanks to newsletters and dedicated articles on MArteMagazine.
The aim has always been to promote art and culture throughout Italy and, from 2021, throughout Europe, stimulating its diffusion among young people and making it available at reduced costs to all members.
The MArteCard is intended for all those who wish to have more frequent and easier access to the world of art, culture and leisure, from institutional to less conventional venues, without limits of age or residence. It covers the entire national territory and is extended to Italian and foreign citizens, with the intention of facilitating the approach to the riches of the territory, proposing to become in the future a passe-partout for other initiatives, crossing borders to extend internationally.
Being a MArteCard partner means having a tool to enter a world made of artistic passions and people who constantly live for and with art, where everything actively revolves around culture through all its manifestations and contaminations.
Thanks to it, the wall that often prevents young people from experiencing culture in an easier and more direct way can finally be knocked down, bridging the gap thanks to the discounts that the Card offers for attending shows, concerts and events, for entering museums, for buying books, records, musical instruments, fine arts materials, for attending training courses, etc.
The Story
MArteCard was born as a spin-off of the multi-artistic festival MArteLive and was initially conceived for the artists enrolled in the various artistic contests of the festival, to then be extended to the public that has been following the initiatives of MArteLive and its partners for years. Thanks to MArteLive’s organisational centres all over Italy, the MArteCard network has been extended more and more, giving the possibility to access cultural events and products at low costs, as well as being the main channel of access to all the novelties and opportunities present in the Italian and European territory.
Since 2004, a solid national network has been built up: numerous agreements have been established with clubs, theatres, art galleries and accommodation facilities of all kinds, shops specialising in art and culture, cultural promotion organisations, training bodies, events and festivals throughout Italy. The initiatives and events of the partners involved each year aim first and foremost to call on artists from every bracket and region, but above all to involve the community. The important initiatives promoted and spread all over the national territory, in particular in Rome and its province, are aimed at the artistic and cultural enhancement of our country through entertainment. MArteLive strongly believes in the attractiveness of its cultural initiatives, capable of exciting and therefore attracting a large audience. Our mission can be summed up in Gesualdo Bufalino’s famous maxim “I learned not to steal by listening to Mozart”.
Moreover, since 2018 MArteCard has been a partner of the international circuit Cashback World, thanks to which it has extended the opportunities and benefits for artists, professionals and lovers of culture to an international level and at 360 degrees. All our affiliates will benefit from a special cashback on all their purchases made through MArteCard via the CashbackWorld platform.
MArteCard is also the promoter of numerous initiatives aimed at raising the awareness of professionals and institutions for a concrete commitment to lowering the cost of access to culture: in 2011 it won the Call for Proposals of the Municipalities of Rome Capital and thanks to the contribution obtained it organised the first edition of 99Arts – international festival of visual and impromptu art. In 2012 it won the call for proposals to support the production of live shows in Lazio – Regional Law 10 July 1978, n. 32 with the theatrical project AUFF! In 2016 it won the Estate Romana call for proposals for the third edition of 99 ARTS. In 2017 it won the Nuovo IMAIE call for proposals for live performances. Between 2018 and 2019 it organised several concerts and live shows and in December it won the “Itinerario Giovani” call for proposals at Palazzo Doria Pamphili in San Martino al Cimino for the realisation of the training and performance event “Art In Progress”. In 2021, despite the pandemic period, it promoted culture through the realisation of the Festival Frammenti MArteLive in Trevignano Romano.
How to get your MArteCard now?
The MArteCard is free of charge for all artists who have participated in the past in the national MArteLive Festival or for those who intend to do so in the future, while it costs only 5 euros for all fans of the world of culture who want to receive discounts and benefits in the places of art, as well as for the events directly organized by MArteLive. With the MArteCard you also have the opportunity not to miss any opportunity in the European cultural scene, with a constantly updated flow of news thanks to newsletters and dedicated articles on MArteMagazine.
The aim of the MArteCard circuit is to develop a solid network that represents an opportunity for growth and economic and cultural development, favouring increasingly integrated actions in the perspective of tourism and territorial marketing.